My Favorite Brushes

If we’re honest, we can all admit that everything's easier when you have the right tools. And this is never truer than it is with makeup.

My weapon of choice? Makeup brushes. And I’m giving you all of my picks below. With these brushes, your days of unevenly blended, cakey, or streaky makeup live strictly in the past.

Even if you have the trendiest makeup in your collection, they won't produce the glorious results you're expecting without proper, high-quality tools. Below, I've gathered my classic, time-tested brush picks along with affordable brush sets that won’t break the bank. Whether you're a seasoned makeup pro or budding makeup beginner, these kits are the perfect place to start if you're hoping to curate your very own makeup brush set and perfect your makeup looks.

Consider these sets of all shapes and sizes — soft and fluffy, domed, densely packed, tapered, angled, and precise — to be your best friends when it comes to flawless makeup application and seamlessly buffing in your products. From there, all that's left to do is showcase all of the stunning looks you create on Instagram.

My Favorite Eye Brushes


Purchasing 12 new brushes and knowing when and how to use them can be overwhelming - I’ve been there! OR maybe you’re on a budget that doesn’t allow you to invest in all these brushes at once - and that’s ok, too! While they’re a fantastic addition to your setup, they aren’t all essential. To help you get started or for those on the budget, I created 2 essential brush kits, one for the face and one just for eyes. These are my go-to brushes when I’m traveling or what I would get for those just starting their brush journey.